Turning Thoughts
Into Reality
Solitary SaaS platform made in India, connecting business to their audiences!

Unique Approach Great Scope Definite Outcome
We aim is to serve as the best SaaS platform for over 10000 businesses of every size across the globe to help them resolve their business complexities with high quality, cutting-edge, secure, and easy-to-use software. And make data-driven decisions based on perfect information. Go paper less, spend less money and time on manual work so they can spend more time and energy on building the great fruitful future of their company.
Started our entrepreneurial journey by developing a book keeping app for windows
Moving forward we developed a cashbook app for anroid
Turning our ideas into reality, we applied for 3 patents
After years of challenges, we finally incorporated our startup on 20.08.2018 and 3 of our patent applications were published in the indian patent journal
Along this six years and counting journey, we sold the world's first digital ledger app , Dukon to SME's in India. And filed for 3 more patents
After our incorporation 2 of our patents were granted which is a big sucess for us
Growing stronger year by year we got selected for the Niddhi Prayas grant and got incubated at KIIT TBI
Our Portfolio
Recognized by
Our founding team comprises of experts, innovators, and achievers! Ethought is not just a software development company but also a family of forward-looking top industry talents, passionate about software. Whether it is a corporate or small business, our team is ready to shape your business problems into innovative solutions.

Our Associates
Our founding team comprises of experts, innovators, and achievers! Ethought is not just a software development company but also a family of forward-looking top industry talents, passionate about software. Whether it is a corporate or small business, our team is ready to shape your business problems into innovative solutions.